Thrive as a Stay-at-Home Mom with 10 Easy Tips

thrive as a stay-at-home mom

Are you ready to thrive as a stay-at-home mom? In this post I’m sharing 10 easy tips for that will help you achieve that goal. It is the parental advice you actually need so you can do parenting with confidence. Whether you’ve recently decided to stay home with your little one(s) or have been on this journey for a while, you know it can be both, a challenging and rewarding experience. I believe this list will help you to make this chapter of your life not just manageable, but truly enjoyable.

Thrive as a Stay-at-Home Mom- 10 Easy Tips

1. Set Realistic Expectations

Please don’t have your expectations based on Instagram moms, your mom’s friends, or anyone else. Each situation is different and no two kids are the same. They might have an amazing time with their newborn/toddler or preschooler at home (Or more likely they forgot how it really was). And if you going through it right now, it might not be all that rainbow and sunshine. Please remember that perfection doesn’t exist in parenting. Lowering your expectations can reduce unnecessary stress.

2. Be Kind to Yourself

Not everything has to be perfect. Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t do something 100% right. Especially the first time. Remember that being kind to yourself is a necessity for your well-being and will help you and your family. Check 20 emotional self-care ideas that will improve your mental health.

3. Prioritize Self-Care

Remember to schedule regular “me time” into your day. Whether it’s a short walk, a hot cup of coffee, or a few minutes of meditation, these breaks can help refresh and recharge.

self-care ideas for sahm

4. Ask For Help

It’s okay to ask for help. It can be your partner, parents, neighbor, cousin, or friend. Whoever you trust can help with the baby. Other people can help you around the house or just keep you company. If you struggle, don’t hesitate to contact your provider. Postpartum and sahm depression are real and have to be taken seriously. It’s also important to talk to therapist or find local support groups for moms.

5. Create a Support System 

If you don’t have family or friends living close to you, you will have to build your village. Check some local support groups for moms, and find groups for moms in your town or county on Facebook. Surround yourself with kind people, who can offer empathy, advice, and company. Learn how to make mom friends as a Stay-at-home Mom. Whether it’s just going for a walk or grabbing coffee, having a play date with your kids, having that relationship with other moms makes your life easier and more enjoyable.

6. Stay Organized

By staying organized you can be more productive in your daily life. Find best strategies that work for you and your family. This will definitely set the tone for success. Staying organized with kids at home requires effort, but the benefits are worth it. A well-organized home can reduce stress, create a sense of calm, and allow for more quality family time.

7. Have a Daily Routine

It’s the best way to increase productivity and sense of balance. By creating a daily routine you will bring a sense of structure and purpose to your daily life. Start a day with your little ritual. It can be a shower and coffee, or meditation and a book. Make sure your routine has time blocks for kids, you, chores, and the whole family. Having a set schedule for meals, naps, playtime, and other activities can reduce anxiety for everyone. When your children have a sense of what comes next, transitions are easier and meltdowns are rare. Check other reasons for why you need a schedule as a stay-at-home mom.

stay-at-home mom schedule

8. Sometimes Just Go with the Flow

You are the boss! You can change plans, schedules, and activities. If you want to spend all day in pjs with kids, that’s great. I’m sure kids will enjoy it too. It might not be easy but try to learn to embrace imperfection and find beauty in the messy moments. Life with kids is so unpredictable. Just be flexible and adaptable when necessary. Sometimes, it’s okay to deviate from the schedule.

9. Accept Things as They Are

You will have ups and downs and you can’t control everything. Prepare yourself for a few challenges. Maybe you can’t breastfeed, or you are not bonding with your baby at home as expected. Or your little one is not sleeping well or not hitting all the milestones. You have a lot of mom’s guilt or you just feel lonely and want to go back to work. It is okay to let go sometimes and not to worry too much. When you accept things as they are you can find peace and fulfillment in everyday moments of Motherhood.

10. Build Beautiful Memories with Your Children

Remind yourself how much benefits there are from being a stay-at-home mom, not just for kids but also for you. When it gets tough you may tend to underestimate the value of you being at home with kids, but it impact your children in very positive way. The time you spend with them is foundation for their happiness and development. They will remember those moments and cherish them. Focus on building great relationship with your children and have confidence in what you do.

tips for sahm


Life as a stay-at-home mom is not easy, but you can find strategies which can help you navigate the challenges. Accepting SAHM realities can help you make the most of your role as a parent. With this easy tips for  Stay-at-home moms you can unlock your full potential as a parent and thrive. What is the best advice you’d give to new stay-at-home moms? Please share in the comment section below.