11 Reasons Why a Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule is a Must

stay-at-home mom schedule

When your day completely derails, a schedule may save the day and help you get things back on track. By creating a Stay-at-home mom schedule you will manage your to-do list more effectively. It will not only be beneficial to you but your children will benefit from having a routine and structure too. Having a schedule helps keep a balance between your family’s needs and your own goals.   

Why Do You Need a Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule?

1. It Helps You Stay Organized

With a stay-at-home mom schedule, you will effectively manage your family’s needs and plan accordingly. A schedule will help you to keep track of important dates.

2. You Will Manage Your Time Better

A Schedule helps you manage your time more effectively. It allows you to prioritize tasks and activities. It will enable you to allocate your time to where it matters the most.

3. It Holds You Accountable

When you create a schedule, you commit to completing activities throughout the day. Accountability can motivate you to follow through on your commitments, which establishes a sense of responsibility.

4. It Boosts Your Productivity

The process of creating a schedule itself will give you a sense of being productive.  A weekly stay-at-home mom schedule can enhance productivity by reducing procrastination and minimizing distractions.

5. It Keeps You Motivated

Having a stay-at-home mom schedule will give you purpose and motivation. When you can see what you have planned for kids it’s easier to stay motivated and make sure those tasks get accomplished.

6. It Can Improve Your Emotional Well-Being

The Schedule provides a sense of structure and rhythm. When we create and stick to a schedule, it eliminates a lot of stress because we do not have to think and worry about what needs to get done. An effective routine can markedly improve your mental health and lead to a happier life.

7. You Will Be More Intentional With Your Daily Life

When you have a plan in place you’re more intentional about your time and how you use it. It will increase your focus and commitment and bring more purpose and meaning to your family life.

8. You Will Win Your Battle Against Procrastination

Having a daily schedule reduces the temptation to procrastinate. By having a schedule you are more motivated to start and complete tasks promptly, leading to great productivity in your daily activities.

9. You Will Feel More Accomplished

When you think that you’ve had a productive and meaningful day, you feel good about yourself. In turn, this will encourage and motivate you to replicate this feeling.

10. It Minimizes Distractions

You can minimize them when you know that you need to devote 100% of your attention and energy to a particular task at a specific time. Stay-at-home mom schedule will help you to stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked.

11. It Brings a Sense of Structure and Security for Kids

A schedule fosters an environment in which children can thrive, feel secure, and grow into responsible, well-rounded individuals. Also when your children have a sense of what comes next, transitions become smoother, and meltdowns are less likely.

How to Create a Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule?

1. Prepare Ahead

The best idea is to plan out the whole week in advance.

2. Find Special Activities for Each Day of the Week

I like to plan one special activity per day. It can be library story time, playdate, special event at the museum, mommy date, etc. When there is nothing planned, the day tends to go slow. So just go online, and find great activities for kids in your area and add them to your schedule.

3. Make a List of Things You Plan to Do

Plan on what kind of self-care you would like to implement, how you want to spend time with your spouse, what needs deep cleaning, etc. You can also:

3.1 Find Few New Educational Activities

(STEM Play, Language Play, Math Games, DIY Experiments).

3.2 Research Some New Ideas for Play Time

(Physical Play, Imaginative Play, Sensory Play, Arts and crafts).

Those are perfect when things don’t go as planned. Maybe it’s too cold for a playground or the event got canceled. These new activities will keep your kids occupied and save the day.

stay-at-home-mom schedule

3. Write Down Your Daily Tasks That are Consistent Each Day

Make sure your routine has time blocks for kids, you, your spouse, chores and errands. For example:

•    Morning Routine
•    Play Time
•    Outside Time
•    Special Activities
•    Nap/Quiet Time
•    Educational Time
•    Nighttime Routine
•    Bedtime for Kids
•    Self-Care
•    Time with Your Spouse
•    Chores

4. Write Time That Works Best for Each Task

Just simply assess your tasks based on your family rhythms, and design your schedule accordingly to make each moment count.

5. Choose Your Schedule Format

There are plenty of scheduling apps out there if you prefer to keep things on your phone or laptop. You can also use a printable schedule template and hang it on the fridge. Download the free printable stay-at-home Mom schedule, that I created and I’m using every week.


Download FREE Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule!


6. Incorporate Daily Tasks and Planned Activities Into Your Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule

Fill out the blanks and just enjoy a newfound sense of structure.


Incorporating a schedule into your life as a stay-at-home Mom is a great tool for achieving a sense of balance, motivation, and structure. But life with kids is so unpredictable and you will have to be flexible and adaptable when necessary. Sometimes, it’s okay to deviate from the schedule. Please share your best advice for creating a daily schedule that works for you.