13 Social Self-care Ideas to Foster Your Social Connections

Social Self-care Ideas

Maintaining social connections for stay-at-home moms is often not an easy task. We tend to focus on other’s needs more than ourselves. And it may feel impossible to find time for a friend while juggling home, kids, and often work. But social self-care is crucial for your well-being. Implement social self-care ideas into your busy schedule and boost your relations with others.

What is Social Self-care?

Social self-care is taking care of your social life. It involves practices to build, nurture, and sustain healthy connections with other people.  

Benefits of Social Self-care

  • Sense of Belonging. It’s a great feeling to be part of a friend’s circle, community, or family.
  • Stress Reduction. Spending time with loved ones will help your brain produce endorphins.
  • Career Opportunities. You may find a perfect job from a friend’s friend.
  • Reduced Feelings of Isolation. Spending time with other people will make you feel better.
  • Emotional Support. A simple talk with someone can help you in rough life’s challenges.
  • Resources and Information. Advice is always better from close people than strangers on the internet. 

Why is it Hard to Maintain Social Self-care?

  • Busy Schedule. It seems like there is never enough time for social life. Juggling all of the responsibilities leaves little to no room for building social connections.
  • Exhaustion. Both mental and physical exhaustion from a crazy life with kids at home will make you drained and less motivated to engage in social activities.
  • Social Anxiety. It’s a common condition that can keep you away from being social. You can experience an intense fear of social situations and interactions with others.
  • Insecurity. You may experience self-consciousness, a fear of judgment, or embarrassment. Most likely you rather avoid social events altogether.
  • Lack of Social Skills. You may have difficulty initiating conversations, struggle with nonverbal cues, or have trouble maintaining eye contact.
  • Technology Dependence. It’s great when you are miles away from your friends and family. But if you have family close by, try to have more face-to-face conversations.
  • Unhealthy Relationships. If you experienced abusive dynamics, control issues, or constant conflicts it makes sense that you are hesitant to engage with others.

Social Self-care Ideas

1. Stay in Touch With Your Family and Friends

social self-care ideas

Try reaching out to your loved ones regularly. It can be a text, phone call, video chat, or voice message. The simple act of staying in touch is bonding for your relationship. I made it a habit to call my parents on FaceTime and send voice messages to my friends to share updates. Stay close to your people and say “yes” to gatherings.

2. Reconnect With an Old Friend

I recently reconnected with a friend I knew from middle school. Turned out she has a boy only 6 months younger than mine. We live in different countries now, but we stay in touch and plan to meet when visiting our childhood city. So just think if there is anyone you would love to reconnect with and reach out.

3. Make New Friends

Be open to new connections. Find opportunities to meet like-minded individuals. Remember that forming new connections may take time, but be patient, open-minded, and authentic. It will lead to fulfilling new friendships. You can check out my post about making Mom friends.

4. Small Talk with a Stranger

I have a friend who met her babysitter in the store. She was standing in the line with a toddler and some lady said to her child “Do you want to come to my house, we can play together”. Could be weird or creepy for some, but she replied “I wouldn’t mind taking a break and having someone else play with her”. And from there they now have babysitter that mom trusts and kid loves. 

5. Find a Babysitter You Can Trust

First, she will be your new social connection. But you will also have more time to have a social life outside of your marriage and kids. People will say your family is your friend now. But sometimes you need a break and having a capable babysitter will give you peace of mind and the opportunity to have a girl’s night for example. 

6. Join Workout Classes

It’s good for your physical well-being(Read more about physical self-care) and social connections as well. You can find other people who share positive vibes about fitness. You will have a supportive community that will motivate you to stay consistent in your workout routine.

7. Volunteer

By volunteering you will connect you with like-minded people, and expand your social network. Volunteering is a meaningful way to nourish your social connections and if your kids are old enough they can volunteer with you. It’s a great lesson for them to be part of the community and help those in need.  

8. Attend a Social Event

It’s a chance to step outside your comfort zone, meet diverse people, and enjoy the positive energy. You can meet amazing people and have interesting conversations and a lot of laughter. 

9. Find Support Group

social self-care ideas

Having a support group of people who share similar challenges can be very beneficial. Attending a support group can offer a sense of community, shared understanding, and valuable resources to navigate challenges more effectively. 

10. Join Church or Religious Group

It’s great for your social and spiritual self-care. You can find a group of people that aligns with your beliefs and values. A church can have a lot of family gatherings, community service projects, special events, and volunteering opportunities.

11. Chat With Your Neighbor

This is my favorite one because I met my Bestie this way. Long story short. We just moved into a new apartment complex and we didn’t know anyone. I had a small talk with my neighbor in the elevator. He was with his toddler and I was pregnant. We exchanged numbers to swap some baby items. Then I met his wife and started a valuable friendship. 

12. Go on a Date With Your Partner

Sometimes even if you live together, life gets so busy you don’t have time to connect. Going on a date is a great opportunity to spend quality time with your significant other. Create lasting memories and strengthen your connection with your partner

13. Spend Time With Pets

social self-care ideas

Relationship with animals provides a unique avenue for social connection. The non-judgmental nature of pets creates a safe space to express emotions without fear. Spending time with pets can offer comfort and unconditional love, joy, and relaxation. 

Tips to Maintain Social Self-care

  • Set Boundaries. Communicate your boundaries clearly and consistently to maintain a healthy relationship.
  • Schedule Regular Social Time. Don’t let your busy schedule get in the way.
  • Quality Over Quantity. It’s better to have few true friends than a lot of so-called friends who will not have your back in tough situations.
  • Improve your Social Skills. Read books or take courses on effective communication to improve social skills. You can also see mental health professionals who specialize in social anxiety or communication challenges.
  • End Relation with Toxic People. Evaluate your relationships and distance yourself from the ones that drain you.


Even if you are a busy mom try to find a space to nurture meaningful relationships. Prioritize spending time with people who uplift you and distance yourself from ones who exhaust you. To nurture your social self-care invest time in connections that bring positivity, understanding, and support into your life.